Employment law changes come about in several ways: new laws, significant new court cases, new regulations, and even new enforcement policies by agencies such as the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) or the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (“Labor Commissioner”).
Changes do not always require updates to employee handbooks. But they usually do. And with one of the most active legislatures in history, California provides some of the nation’s most rapidly changing employment-law landscapes.
The problem is magnified by the fact that, whenever any Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”) category changes, employment policies must change as well. State regulation requires employers to distribute a “harassment, discrimination, and retaliation prevention policy” to all employees (in all languages spoken by ten percent or more of the workforce) including “all current protected categories covered under the Act.” (See the regulation here.)
This year is no exception. Several employment-law changes require handbook revisions for just about every employer, of any size. Some of the changes include:
Additions to the Fair Employment & Housing Act (“FEHA”). This year, there were multiple changes to FEHA-protected categories such as removing ‘historically’ from traits associated with race and inclusion of victims of qualifying acts of violence, as well as expansion of all categories to include “intersectionality” (any combination of multiple traits).
Paid Family Leave Benefits. Policies must not require employees to use vacation or sick leave prior to obtaining benefits under the state Paid Family Leave program.
Leaves of Absence. Prior Crime and Abuse Victim Leave has been amended to cover Victims of Qualifying Acts of Violence and moved to the FEHA (unlike leaves for Victims of Violent Felony, Serious Felony, or Felony Theft).
Paid Sick Leave. Sick leave may be used by agricultural workers for certain smoke, heat or flooding emergencies and by individuals who are victims, or whose family members are victims, of certain crimes.
Different rules apply to employers of different sizes. There also are many other requirements that may not appear in handbooks but require active policy preparation, such as Workplace Violence Prevention programs (discussed previously in the blog here).
In today’s environment, employee handbooks and policies should be reviewed every year. Employers can keep an eye on changes via their own industry associations or, better, groups focusing on California law and state-compliant policies. Handbooks and policy manuals are front-and-center in almost every type of employment litigation (especially class and PAGA suits), so monitoring continued compliance is essential.